My Services

Project Management


One of my favorite roles is project manager. Whenever I worked for a publishing company, project management was a huge part of the work I did. For me, project management can include finding and contracting talent, managing the project budget, keeping the project on schedule, facilitating communication among the creative team, and resolving conflict.

Project management usually makes the most sense in conjunction with some of my other services, such as developmental editing, if you’re looking for a full-service editor for your project.

Developmental Editing


Developmental editing is one of my greatest strengths and a service that most people who are hiring an editor want. When you hire me to provide developmental editing services, I review your manuscript or script multiple times to find any and all ways you could improve it. These notes include everything from overall story notes to recommendations for improving individual sentences and phrases.

I can be hired for developmental editing either as an individual service or with other services. For instance, if you have a novel that you want to be ready to publish after working with me, I will usually do at least one round of developmental edits and at least one copy edit of the manuscript.

Copy Editing


Copy editing is somewhere in between developmental editing and proofreading. When you hire me as a copy editor, I will focus on improving the spelling and grammar of your document or manuscript as well as providing suggestions for improving the flow and style of the writing. If it’s the client’s preference, I can also make suggestions for how things could be re-written to be more effective. The depth of the copy editing I do varies based on the needs of my client.



Proofreading is a service that is often misunderstood. The goal of proofreading is for an editor or proofreader to review a manuscript one more time before it’s published, usually in the form of a proof. In proofreading, I look for errors in spelling and grammar as well as any errors related to how the manuscript or document is laid out.

I am often hired to proofread comics or graphic novels along with other services I provide. When I proofread a comic, I usually review the final script before it is provided to the letterer and then I review the lettered copy of the comic at least once. Proofreading twice in this situation allows me to make sure the letterer has the cleanest copy possible to start from and to avoid any potential issues that arise when the letterer takes the copy from the script and puts it into the comic.

Pitch Preparation


Ever since I started doing freelance editing work, one of my most popular services has been pitch preparation. It’s a fairly low-cost service, but it can provide a lot of value to writers and other creators who want to pitch a project. This is most commonly done for comics, but other types of publishing have pitches too. Pitch preparation has the goal of having a polished pitch packet for a creative to submit to agents or publishers.

In pitch preparation, I provide very high-level notes on the overall story, in case I see any areas of concern that might keep a publisher from being interested in the pitch. I will provide copy editing services on any pitch documents, including any sample pages that are lettered. Depending on the needs of my client, I may also assist them in finding an artist or other collaborator if it’s needed to pitch their project.



I wrote my first short story when I was four years old and basically never stopped writing. I’ve done a wide variety of writing, including fiction, long form non-fiction, poetry, investigative journalism, pop culture journalism, and copywriting. My passion for the written word doesn’t end at editing, and I’m always interested to hear more about opportunities for me to write.